Wayte's Gigs: Revel at the Inns of Court

January 24 AS XXXII/ AD 1998

An evening ball, along the lines of a 17th century Inns of Court christmas revel. First part of the ball was the Old Measures -- a traditional set of almans (and a pavan) which were always done. The second part (called in period the "post-revel") was just like a regular ball, with a focus on the 17th cen. repertoire.

Of especial note: after the Old Measures, a gift of thanks was presented to Dr. Ingrid Brainard by the People of Carolingia (embodied by Countess Mara): a book in the fashion of the "Brussels" mss. (Les Basses Danses de Marguerite d'Autriche aka Brussels ms. 9085). The pages of instruction were replaced by an explanation of our gratitude for her erudition and instruction, and following that were reproductions of several of the more famous pages of dance. This had nothing to do with us, but it was very neat so I'm mentioning it. Dr. Brainard made requests and seemed to like us.



Old Measures: Quadran Pavan, (Earl of Essex was dropped), New Alman, Queens Alman, Black Alman, Lorayne Alman, Madam Sosilia Alman (which we played up in exchange for a sack of Hannukah gelt and three dollars -- I don't know who got the $3, but it was contributed by my ride home and was all his cash, so I wound up having to pick up all the tolls on the way home! --T.)

Post Revel: (um... lessee...) Bizzaria d'Amore aka Gut Gsell, du must wandern with funky instrumentation/solos; New Alman again, "half again as fast", per Dr. Brainards request; Heart's Ease which Dr. Brainard wanted slower; Rufty Tufty; some bransles including d'Ecosse, Cheveaux, and Maltese; Gathering Peascods to end. Also, the Quire did Venez ouyr as sung galliard w/ sackbut solo and percussion.

-- Tibicen

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Last modified -- minor reformatting -- by Eowyn, 7 October, AS XXXXIIII (2009 C.E.).